Whether you are looking to simply feel healthier, to overcome the chronic discontentment and negative cycles of regular drinking, or to recover from other addictive substances, we ALL need support. I offer everything from simple holistic health education and guidance to daily or weekly addiction recovery coaching services.

For WELLNESS COACHING, contact me directly for an individualized questionnaire.


Regardless of what anyone has told you, it is possible to find real FREEDOM, to let go of destructive habits, and release the fixed mindset of stagnation. Willpower is not enough, we have to move passed a sense of deprivation and loss, and embrace a brand new life of authentic joy, health and happiness.

Let’s be clear: YOU do not have a problem. It’s the constant grasping at external relief that is the problem. (Or the addictive substance/habit that is the problem.)

You are a living miracle. Your body can and will heal. Once we uncover the unconscious mind and awaken compassion, we can find lasting change.

I offer a supportive, 100% confidential, empowering, science-based and common sense approach. Our brains are literally wired for habitual actions and reactions. No one is immune to addiction. Nothing is wrong with YOU. Life can be raw and we all need help along the way. Recovery coaching is about leaning into that support, cultivating a deeper awareness, and using proven tools to create healthier habits.

Sometimes coaching can be enough to encourage us towards spontaneous sobriety/cessation and joyful living. Depending on the severity of addiction, however, it can also work hand-in-hand with doctors and therapists to help anyone overcome the pain of addiction. Regardless, having a 1-on-1 mentor, ally, and coach greatly enhances your success along the road of recovery, authenticity, and holistic health.

As an alternative OR complement to other programs like AA, NA, Over-eaters Anonymous, etc., mentoring and personalized support offer an opportunity to recreate your life, reclaim your power, and reignite a feeling of vibrant health. Together, we can reframe our struggles, awaken our healing abilities, and formulate a plan for moving forward.

Mindfulness practices, yoga therapy, breath work, and bodywork can also be added into any session to further support our systems as we make this powerful SHIFT.

Coaching Rates:

$100 for a 60 minute session

discounts and sliding scale available for regular clients


*Inquire about hikes, walks, and alternative coaching environments.

Recovery Retreats

Contact me for upcoming retreats & workshops or to schedule wellness and recovery coaching, yoga therapy, or group yoga classes at an event. Prices vary.



Feel free to reach out anytime and I will be happy to schedule an appointment and answer any questions you may have. 

Certified via:

International association of professional recovery coaches

SHE Recovers Certified Coach

This Naked Mind Intensive Program graduate

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“My true passion is helping people reclaim a genuine sense of JOY in their lives. I love to empower and support others on their road to real freedom, to release destructive habits, and to help others feel at ease in their bodies.

Life is simply too short to take another moment for granted. We ALL have the power to heal and overcome trauma and addiction, to lead a life full of purpose and love. NOW is the time.”

- Jess Toan

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